

科研经历 2018.3-2020.11 博士后,中国科学院物理研究所 2014.9-2016.3 客座研究员,日本国立物质材料研究所 2012.9-2014.9 国家公派联合培养博士生,日本国立物质材料研究所 2012.2-2014.6 实习生,日本国立物质材料研究所 教育背景 2009-2018 博士,材料科学与工程,西安交通大学 2005-2009 学士,材料科学与工程,西安交通大学
E-mail:shuai.ren@szu.edu.cn 办公室:机电楼S216
金属玻璃、应变玻璃等金属基亚稳态新材料; 基于玻璃热塑性的功能材料的块体成型与制造
ACerS Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award (2018)
2020 Shuai Ren*, Chang Liu, Xuan Chen, Yanshuang Hao, and Xiaobing Ren*, Strain glass by aging in Ti–Pd–Fe shape memory alloys. Scripta Materialia 177, 10 (2020). Kang Yan, Shuai Ren, Fangfang Wang, Dawei Wu, Kongjun Zhu, and Xiaobing Ren, A structural phase boundary due to oxygen octahedral tilt–untilt transition in Bi5Na0.5TiO3-based piezoelectric ceramics. Journal of Applied Physics 127, 164101 (2020). Patan Yousaf Khan, Shuai Ren, Tianyu Ma*, and Xiaobing Ren, Magnetostriction enhancement in ferromagnetic strain glass by approaching the crossover of martensite. Applied Physics Letters 116, 072402 (2020). Liqiang He, Yuanchao Ji*, Shuai Ren, Luo Zhao, Hanyu Luo, Chang Liu, Yanshuang Hao, Le Zhang*, Lixue Zhang*, and Xiaobing Ren, Large piezoelectric coefficient with enhanced thermal stability in Nb5+-doped Ba85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 ceramics. Ceramics International 46, 3236 (2020). 2019 Mengye Yin, Chao Zhou*, Shuai Ren, Yanshuang Hao, Minxia Fang, Wenjia Wang, Jinghui Gao, Tianyu Ma, Lixue Zhang, Sen Yang*, and Xiaobing Ren, Enhanced thermal stability of piezoelectricity in lead-free (Ba,Ca)(Ti,Zr)O3 systems through tailoring phase transition behavior. Ceramics International 45, 10304 (2019). Yin Zhang, Jianing Li, Fanghua Tian, Kaiyan Cao, Dingchen Wang, Shuai Ren, Chao Zhou, Sen Yang*, Xiaoping Song, Spin cluster size dependence of exchange bias effect in Mn50Ni40Ga10 Heusler alloys. Intermetallics 107, 10 (2019). 2018 Fan Ye, Tianyu Ma*, Shuai Ren, Andong Xiao, Xiaolian Liu, Yuanchao Ji*, and Xiaobing Ren*, Temperature invariable magnetization in Co-Al-Fe alloys by a martensitic transformation. Applied Physics Letters 113, 172402 (2018). Chao Zhou, Xiaoqin Ke, Yonggang Yao, Sen Yang*, Yuanchao Ji, Wenfeng Liu, Yaodong Yang, Lixue Zhang*, Yanshuang Hao, Shuai Ren, Le Zhang, and Xiaobing Ren*, Evolution from successive phase transitions to “morphotropic phase boundary” in BaTiO3-based ferroelectrics. Applied Physics Letters 112, 182903 (2018). 2017 Shuai Ren, Dezhen Xue, Yuanchao Ji, Xiaolian Liu, Sen Yang*, and Xiaobing Ren*, Low-field-triggered large magnetostriction in iron-palladium strain glass alloys. Physical Review Letters 119, 125701 (2017). Kang Yan*, Shuai Ren, Minxia Fang, and Xiaobing Ren*, Crucial role of octahedral untilting R3m/P4mm morphotropic phase boundary in highly piezoelectric perovskite oxide. Acta Materialia 134, 195 (2017). Tianyu Ma, Junming Gou, Shanshan Hu, Xiaolian Liu, Chen Wu, Shuai Ren, Hui Zhao, Andong Xiao, Chengbao Jiang, Xiaobing Ren* and Mi Yan*, Highly thermal-stable ferromagnetism by a natural composite. Nature Communications 8, 13937 (2017). 2016 Shuai Ren*, Chao Zhou, Dezhen Xue*, Dong Wang, Jian Zhang, Xiangdong Ding, Kazuhiro Otsuka, and Xiaobing Ren*, Sandwichlike strain glass phase diagram of Ti49Ni51-xPdx. Physical Review B 94, 214112 (2016). 2015 Jinghui Gao*, Yanshuang Hao, Shuai Ren*, Takayoshi Kimoto, Minxia Fang, Huiying Li, Yu Wang, Lisheng Zhong, Shengtao Li, and Xiaobing Ren*, Large piezoelectricity in Pb-free 0.96(K5Na0.5)0.95Li0.05Nb0.93Sb0.07O3−0.04BaZrO3 ceramic: A perspective from microstructure. Journal of Applied Physics 117, 084106 (2015). Jinghui Gao*, Shuai Ren, Le Zhang, Yanshuang Hao*, Minxia Fang, Ming Zhang, Ye Dai, Xinghao Hu, Dong Wang, Lisheng Zhong, Shengtao Li, and Xiaobing Ren*, Phase transition sequence in Pb-free 0.96(K5Na0.5)0.95Li0.05Nb0.93Sb0.07O3−0.04BaZrO3 ceramic with large piezoelectric response. Applied Physics Letters 107, 032902 (2015). Tianyu Ma*, Xiaolian Liu, Mi Yan, Chen Wu, Shuai Ren, Huiying Li, Minxia Fang, Zhiyong Qiu, and Xiaobing Ren*, Suppression of martensitic transformation in Fe50Mn23Ga27 by local symmetry breaking. Applied Physics Letters 106, 211903 (2015). 2014 Chao Zhou*, Shuai Ren, Huixin Bao, Sen Yang*, Yonggang Yao, Yuanchao Ji, Xiaobing Ren*, Yoshitaka Matsushita, Yoshio Katsuya, Masahiko Tanaka, and Keisuke Kobayashi, Inverse effect of morphotropic phase boundary on the magnetostriction of ferromagnetic Tb1−xGdxCo2. Physical Review B Rapid Communication 89, 100101 (2014). Dong Wang, Sen Hou, Yu Wang, Xiangdong Ding, Shuai Ren, Xiaobing Ren, and Yunzhi Wang*, Superelasticity of slim hysteresis over a wide temperature range by nanodomains of martensite. Acta Materialia 66, 349 (2014). 2012 Yonggang Yao, Yaodong Yang, Shuai Ren, Chao Zhou, Linglong Li, and Xiaobing Ren, Ferroelastic and strain glass transition in (1-x)(Bi5Na0.5)TiO3-xBaTiO3 solid solution. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 100, 17004 (2012). Jian Zhang*, Christoph Somsen, Tobias Simon, Xiangdong Ding, Sen Hou, Shuai Ren, Xiaobing Ren, Gunther Eggeler, Kazuhiro Otsuka and Jun Sun, Leaf-like dislocation substructures and the decrease of martensitic start temperatures: A new explanation for functional fatigue during thermally induced martensitic transformations in coarse-grained Ni-rich Ti–Ni shape memory alloys. Acta Materialia 60, 1999 (2012). Sen Hou, Yu Wang, Jian Zhang, Dong Wang, Shuai Ren and Xiaobing Ren, Evidence for crossover martensite in Ti50Ni45Fe5: An intermediate state between normal martensite and strain glass. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 100, 58001 (2012).
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